Sharemoon platform technical specifications

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Sharemoon is a decentralized unique-human authentication and content platform.

It is the fundamental basis of ShareMoon that no advertisements ever exist on it. That being said how content is ranked, viewed, organized, and valued will be the fundamental difference in ShareMoon and traditional social platforms.

When putting kai to bed tonight these ideas came back to me:

1. The soul of the content stream is that there will be a 100% random nature in the primary media feed. There will definitely be places within the platform where users can input genres or types of things they're looking for or additional types of projects similar to other streams.

2. In addition to a random content stream another huge part of the platform is a random human-connection portal. One of the huge things I find wrong with modern social networking is that our bubble of friends can have a tendency to be very similar to one another. The platform would encourage reaching out of ones comfort zones and being willing to see things from perspectives, worlds, countries, and languages one is not so familiar with.

3. Users will be able to rate the random content entered into their stream and daily random popular content will be available for all to view. (Statistics reset every new moon.)

Brain dumps for sharemoon platform and/or spin-offs:

KUshare document found on old harddrive. Ideas in regards to rules for a music sharing platform leveraging bitcoin and peer to peer sharing:

Technical Specifications for - Music sharing service for original content music, SR and PA must be owned by the individual.

Users will be encouraged to put themselves out on a limb with no genre defined, people will be able to view each others music. After signing up they will be randomly connected with 8 different musicians world-wide in which they’ll be asked to give their honest opinion about the music. A rating from 1 to 33.

Beside each track

Initially a music sharing service based upon BitCoin.


All logins, transactions, downloads, uploads, posts, purchases, etc will be available through a statistics portal.

Users will login with secure credentials linking themselves

Generic users can