Joe Morishige - Journal Entry 2023.05.22 - A Bunch of Shit Here

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Whatcha gonna do?

Leaders leading nowhere

Creditors are calling

Your one true love can't be found

Cars running on fumes

The only food you can afford

Teachers want you to act like them

Friends don't call no more

You're too freaky for them

Tongues tied from the noise

A smash and grab for your life

Its here, this screen, this watch, this car,

This house, these jeans, this shirt , this tie,

This lie

Be here, be brave, be bright, not right,

Farsight, find you, be you,

Right now, right now!

Sold you out to the highest bidder

Watcha gonna do?

The nagging voice running forever in my head:

You better maximize your time

You've only got so much time, better get it done

Don't waste the time, its going fast, how are you

Going to feel if you don't get anything done

What are you going to have to show for todaY?

Fuck that shit, you can't turn it off, its there

Where is it coming from? This stupid computer is

tryin to tell me how to write on my own computer.

Just got to get that out, all day today, I'm thinking

man I better make the most of this time, what do

I need to do to feel like I'm accomplished today?

How much is enough, how much is enough, to what end

should pursue this madness. These words, is it these

words that are killing me? Always trying to look good

trying to make sure I'm professional, trying to make

sure I get the next gig, I get called back, I build

its crazy making for sure. But I gotta get this out

gotta type it out, the noise thats in my head, gotta

gotta gotta, get it out and gone, well maybe not

gone but at least somewhere I can see it and feel it

in a different way, to acknowledge that it is there.

Its always a plan, small plans, big plans, small

timers, big timers, the big timer of your life, the

small timer of your nap. the medium sized timer of

where you gonna live, how you gonna live? This is

good to write, to just sit here and write, I need to

do this more. Why do I care about doing more of

anything. Its always more, more, more, more, more

more shit, more and more shit, shit you don't need

more calls, more emails, more money, more bills,

more credit cards, more sales, more thrift. I want

to do less and I want more time with less.

In what scenarios is less progress?

It seems that we have tricked ourselves into thinking

that more is always the path of progress.........

jgood morning world. i want to write a song about

someone and something that has nothing to do with

me aside from my own imagination

i also need to keep my ideas more organized so i

can pick up where i left off on some older ideas

however today is a day for new idea so lets continue

she lives in a town covered in salt

they're always washing and painting and fighting

natures never ending cycles, the people of the town

see these cycles as a battle, their manifest idea of

their superiority continually keeps them in a state

of offense or defense. keeping the white washed walls

on an ocean bluff like a sword over your head.

the water goes on forever in her mind, in an age of

horse and buggy one doesn't travel too far with

meager ends. she fell in love once before to a young

upstart seaman but the ocean took him after he

asked her to marry him. all she has left of him is

a stack of letters and an empty grave and a single

blurry picture taken when he first joined the whaling

team. the ocean that took her love is her only comfort

she feels. her house is run down and not a very nice

one, still living with her mum and her father has

passed as well. shes fortunate though that she can

see a sliver over the ocean out of her window.

she works in the cannery, curious that the smells

pulled from the deep clear ocean can be so vile

she fortunate to stay warm near the boiler in the

winter cold, threatening to snow but it also makes

her uneasy as the preasure bells ring asking for

assistance. when the summer comes she chooses not to

go to work for a day shucking responsibility. she

knows of a secret cove where her love once took her

not far from the heart of town. she sheds her clothes

stench and swims free

mind dump.

so many things going on right now, the ball feels to

be rolling well in the creative flow, the new space

upstairs has given me a lot less stress in how i

use the time I have and it has been helping me build

on what I am trying to do more effortlessly, not having

to feel the stress of having to break everything down

and set back up every day.

blah blah blah blah, what trite dribble... so where

the fuck next? what the hell? who the fuck? when

what, how, now, cow, brown? shit common... lets be

real and get the things out on the table so we can

move forward already. okay. so you can put your

negative feelings on someone else, its so easy to

do, just take those feeling bottle them up and throw

them on someone. go ahead, make it easier for yourself

for the scape goat besides your own fucked up mind.

okay good, can you own your own shit now? can you get

to the point where you've put your own shit in its

place for a bit of time enough time to be able to

get something done... so whats today? whats tomorrow?

what gives? i think today is something like, something

like... well lets flush out the balls on the table


  • songs and videos from steep ravine
  • gig this friday a joes
  • marketing for the gig this friday at joes

> facebook posts, video posts (sneak peak davenport)

  • musical prep (specifically several more drum beats

for the gig at joes

  • create new practice video for 3rd set
  • starting thinking about what a new website looks

like, probably something super simple, spend some time looking at how louis cole presents his content.

  • creativity, song writing, soul searching
  • website??? really