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  • 11:13, 18 December 2024Joe Morishige - Building the perfect schedule (hist | edit) ‎[1,107 bytes]Morishigejoe (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''''intention harmony balance vision stability failure getting back up learning growing sustainability happiness uncomfortable dreams fulfill resonate resilience health drive comfort discomfort getting back up''''' immediate action items. * continue to create a nourishing, stable, and engaging homeschool life for the kiddos * get a job and/or start a business that gives a regular source of income * keep a modest garden going throughout the year * start releasing mu...")
  • 12:12, 17 December 2024Refine dream (hist | edit) ‎[113 bytes]Morishigejoe (talk | contribs) (Created page with "just keep going, push push, try try, refine, dream, execute. dream refine execute, execute refine dream, execute")