Covid Budget 2020.07.07
Currently In the Bank -
4565.00 Currently in the Bank
-2165.00 (Ripples)
-1000.00 (Total Free CC)
-35.00 (Southwest CC)
+5000.00 (Coming in from EDD)
+2500.00 (Coming in from EDD Tomorrow)
-2771.00 - Federal Taxes
-1615.00 - State Taxes
(Actively Needing to Pay until 2020.08.01)
+3000.00 (Last 4 Weeks Coming in)
-2356.67 - Chase Amazon Card
-6320.68 - Freedom 0% interest until 2021.
-6749.73 - South West CC (PAY OFF FIRST)
+1550.00 (Money owed to us by Rob)
-6450.00 CC Debt With all of it having no interest. (currently Under Water as of 2020.07.07 taking the final 3K payment at the end of July)
It is likely that the unemployment benefits will move to $465 weekly / roughly 2k / month. If this is the case all the current debt will be paid in full by the end of October. We shall see.